S3 17.0 Analysis of English Articles in Saudi English

Hello everyone!

It's pretty late in the night right now, but I just saw the TTELT video I was assigned by Professor Daniela, and let me tell you, it was very interesting! The content was about the use of English Articles in Saudi Arabia. Two English teachers based in Saudi Arabia shared their study on an Analysis of English Articles in Saudi English. In this blog, I will be summarizing the results of their study and provide you with information regarding the misuse, overuse, or omission of English articles in Saudi English. Having said this, enjoy my reflection on the video and leave me a comment. 💚

English is the second language in Saudi Arabia, and it is widely spoken and used in different contexts from business to academic settings. However, the use of English articles has been a significant challenge for many Saudi speakers. The incorrect usage of English articles is a common problem and a source of confusion when communicating in English. Saudi English speakers have specific tendencies when it comes to the use of articles that require attention and corrections to improve the quality of communication.

One of the most common problems with the use of English articles among Saudi English speakers is their overuse. Learners frequently add extra articles, particularly a/an, when referring to singular countable nouns. For example, one may say "Give me a pen" instead of saying "Give me pen." This tendency is a result of the Arabic language that requires the use of the definite article with most nouns and proper names. Overuse leads to errors, and the listener may find it difficult to follow the intended meaning of the message.

On the other hand, some Saudi English speakers omit articles altogether, leading to a significant challenge for comprehension. They may use only proper nouns without any articles, which makes it harder for the listener to determine whether the speaker is referring to a specific entity or it is a general reference.

Another problem that exists is the misuse of articles, especially the definite article 'the'. Saudis may use the definite article when referring to general contexts. For instance, they may say "I am going to the school" when they mean "I am going to school." It is not necessary to use the definite article when referring to school, referring to it as a generally known institution. The use of article 'the' should be used only to refer to specific institutions or objects.

The use of English articles is vital for achieving clear communication. It is essential to understand that Saudi English speakers may face challenges when using English articles due to the specific tendency of the mother tongue. Therefore, it is crucial to address these challenges to improve the quality of communication. The solution is to teach English articles as an essential part of English language training in Saudi Arabia. The focus should be on the proper and appropriate usage of English articles in different contexts. English language teachers should provide the necessary guidance and support for Saudi English speakers to overcome these challenges through lessons and practice. As the learners gain more experience and confidence in using articles, they will become better communicators in the English language.


  1. Hello Stela!
    Hope you are doing well!
    I enjoyed your reflection, I learned new things, it was an unknown topic for me but very interesting to read from you. Also, I found some common mistakes between Saudi English and Albanian learners.
    I see that you have enjoyed the video and made a deep reflection on that.
    Well done!


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