Reflection on my work and the apps/websites I have been using.

 Hello dear readers! 

I must admit this semester has not been the easiest one, nonetheless, it has been a very productive period of my academic life. As a matter of fact, this subject, despite its numerous tasks and assignments, has been one of the most helpful so far for me. During this course of time, I have been ‘introduced’ to new apps and websites that are helpful tools for me as a teacher. Below I’m going to briefly mention some of them. 

To begin with, I really enjoyed generating my own exercises using HotPotatoes. At first, it seemed quite complicated to me, but after my first try, I got to enjoy the process of creating my own exercises. I have no doubt I’m going to use it in the future for my classes. 

What’s more, I got to know about WebQuest (unfortunately I hadn’t heard about it before). I did my first ever WebQuest (not about ESL though) and it turned out pretty good (I guess😰). When I finished it and shared it with my friends, it felt like I had accomplished a great achievement. 

Moreover, this subject brought back memories from my childhood (good, old days😡) when I used to keep a diary (my mom read it upss 👻). However, with Penzu, I can write down my thoughts without the fear of somebody reading them. There, I have been keeping short notes regarding my progress in this subject, the blogs I have posted, and my project. It has become a routine to write on Penzu every week. He (because I have decided to refer to Penzu as a boy) will be my companion for a long time.

Let’s move on to, well…here! Blogging has been one of the most interesting tasks I’ve ever been assigned as a student of English. Here, I have been sharing with you everything we have discussed on this subject. Writing here helps me keep my thoughts on what we talk about more organized. And the best thing: I feel like some kind of famous blogger! Xoxox👸

Let’s not forget our ‘classrooms’ with our interactive presentations. I have tremendously enjoyed being a 4th, 5th, and 6th grader all over again. You have all inspired me with methods and ideas on how to make teaching an enjoyable experience for my students. During your presentations, I have been informed about new apps and websites too. 💚💜

When it comes to my project, I have been keeping notes of how I and my partner have cooperated and what our main goals are. We have been reflecting on the skills we want to teach our students. Furthermore, we tried to make it as interactive as possible by using technology. Nevertheless, we still have work to do, so I guess that’s all for this week. 

Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Stela, reading your blog was very helpful for me because I've forgotten PENZU(I hope nobody reads this comment haha). You were very clear and very positive not only in this blog but also for the entire year. everything was short and clear. Right now I'm going to write and publish mine.
    Good job!

  2. Sorry Stela that I will have to read your diary notes again but at least I am not your mum! You can continue and write on him (Penzu) and I won't bother you again :)


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