Technology, our new classmate! :)

Hello Everyone! 

Welcome to my first Blog. This week's topic is: Technology used in classrooms and its benefits or disadvantages. 

Time flies, doesn't it? I remember years ago when I was an elementary student, we couldn't even imagine or visualize a classroom with anything else other than blackboards and paperback books. However, nowadays, I cannot imagine a classroom with only those 'archaic' elements in it. Technology has become a prerequisite element for the complex and never-ending teaching process. Its use in contemporary classrooms (and not only) has grown significantly in many ways. 

It is a well-known fact that young generations love technology, thus implementing it in our classrooms plays a huge role in student engagement and participation. But let's be honest. Teachers love technology too, right? Or maybe most of them๐Ÿ˜‚ Managing classrooms with a considerable amount of students has become facilitated with the invention of technology. Planning lessons, motivating students, and finding adequate materials is not such an inconvenient task for teachers anymore. Moreover, technology has made education more accessible, engaging, and interactive. There are no more boring subjects because with technology every subject is fun! 

One of the most critical aspects of technology is that it contains vast resources of information and authentic materials from which students can learn. Nevertheless, technology doesn't benefit only classroom objectives. What I mean by that is that implementing technology in your classrooms will help your students in gaining computing skills, which are necessary in the real-life world. Learners, especially young ones, are very visual. They prefer watching videos or playing games with the purpose of learning, rather than their teacher writing rules on the board. This benefits especially those students whose attention span is short. 

Furthermore, in the study conducted by Yong Zhao regarding the assessment of the potential of technology in improving language education, it was proved that technology-based instruction could as well replace teacher-based instruction because they were equally effective. As future teachers of a foreign language, studies like this help us in the integration of technology in our classes. Great improvement was also noticed in the quality of input and authenticity of communication, which is key to learning a language. 

To sum it up, technology might be a bit challenging at the beginning. Teachers need to be well-trained for it to be a tool for a better learning experience, rather than a source of distraction for the students. However, once you get hang of it, technology will be your best friend!๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  1. Great job stela!๐Ÿ‘
    I agree with the fact that using technology in the classroom can provide students with a more interactive and dynamic learning experience.
    I'd like to add that it's important to find the right balance between using technology and other teaching strategies, and to consider the needs and preferences of individual students.
    Overall I think that the ideas were well organized and I enjoyed it.

  2. I like your post and how you compared the past, in terms of tools that were available and the present state of our classrooms. Nice one Stela !


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